Posted on 7/27/2015

Maybe you grew up with your dad washing the car on the lawn in the summer so the grass would get the run-off water. It was genius! You got the car and clean and watered the lawn at the same time. While not the most environmentally friendly method, it turn out dad was on to something. Washing your car on gravel or the lawn minimizes run off allowing the water to be absorbed into the ground. When you wash your car on pavement all that gas, oil, exhaust fumes, not to mention the chemicals in the wash you are using, flow straight into storm drains that release directly into Puget Sound. Commercial car washes are required to drain their wastewater into sewer systems so it gets treated before being discharged back into the environment. They also use less water than we do at home. This is likely due to the super-powerful, high-intensity nozzles commercial car washes use and probably because we have to pay more if we need more car washing time. But what ... read more
Posted on 7/9/2015

Have you heard? The West Seattle Car Show is happening in 2015! We are excited to work with West Seattle Autoworks and South Seattle College in keeping this annual West Seattle tradition alive. Please come and check out cars from all eras, family activities, food trucks, beer and wine garden and more! The show is set for Sunday, September 13, 2015 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Cars will be able to load in beginning at 8:00 am and trophies will be given at 3:00 pm.For registration please visit COBRA Classic Beauty! ... read more